Friday, July 15, 2005

perpetuating genes

Back again after a hiatus of a few months - for some reason there was not much time to write for a while. It has been a hectic few months, sometimes going on holiday is quite tiring. This week at least when I got back, I was quite relieved to be in the office, getting my life back to its normal routine.

Saw that there has been some comments in my absence, recommending some interesting courses of action. Though not having children is very tempting, the thought of my genes terminating with me is not. Obviously the primary reason to have children is to ensure that your genetic material gets propagated, and not only your genes but also your way of thinking and beliefs. In fact by that argument, anyone who does not have children is a failure regardless of how "successful" s/he may be thought of by society. Ten thousand years down the line, no one will remember who I am, but my genes will still code my movements and features, perhaps even my brain patterns, into my descendants.

The most successful person therefore - and this is the criteria for most of evolution in the animal world, and our evolution also - is the one who has the most children, so being a sperm donor could arguably be the best strategy. Unfortunately, being a woman, my option of donating eggs is rather more difficult, and involves complicated procedures of hormone manipulation.


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